An integrated solution

The c-Quilibrium software reduces operational costs for financial institutions by optimising its cash supply chains. This means maximising the availability of cash and minimising the average cash levels across the branch network as well as automating the internal cash management processes and maximising the efficiency of cash logistics.


Our solutions offer end-to-end support for notes and coins, foreign currency and other valuables as well as full fledged transport management.

C-Quilibrium offers full flexibility to manage each type of front end cashpoint (ATMs, recyclers, retailer shops, branches, buffer stocks…) as well as its back end (cash centers). We support extensive integration solutions out of the box. Interfacing through standardised protocols like GS1, as well as alternative proprietary protocols allows our solutions to blend in with the eco-system of the cash supply chain. This seamlessly connects a bank’s cash management department with the front office, accounting department as well as external partners like CIT companies, servicing companies and National Banks.

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    Save up to €1000 per cash point by using high quality consumption forecasts and the corresponding order recommendations. Executing these just in time and just enough cash recommendations results in reducing transport and cash storage costs.

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    Schedule daily cash transports in a centralised manner, taking into account opening days and holidays. In combination with our forecast and recommendation calculations, save costs by optimising the total volume of cash in circulation in your network.

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    Scheduling transports as late as possible (but just in time) reduces the transport frequency and the associated cash transports costs. Obtain up to an average saving of 30% per cash point by automatically triggering just in time orders.

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    Minimise the number of CIT transports by recycling at different levels in the supply chain:

    • Recycling ATMs
    • Manual recycling at branches
    • Semi-automated recycling
    • Recycling in the cash center.
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    Track your orders end-to-end, physical packages and customer reservations for both ordering and sending back cash. Wholesale customer orders and send back orders are equally supported.

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    Effortlessly comply to regulatory constraints, company policies and other business rules. Define and apply your own set of rules. Order recommendation calculations will automatically take into account the customer-specific set of regulations and ensure/enforce compliance.

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    Reconcile announced orders with the executed transports communicated by third parties like CIT companies or the National Bank. Report and follow up on this information and provide it to your accounting department.

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    Get informed automatically when exceptional events occur and immediately resolve associated issues manually or automatically. Guaranteed business continuity in case of unexpected disruptive events.

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    Place orders and send back orders for any type of valuable products such as foreign currencies, gold, … Freely define and manage the types of valuables that can be ordered

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    Gain insight into the current state and evolution of your cash management processes through a wide range of preconfigured reports. Additionally, a highly customisable reporting tool allows end-users to create visualisations and dashboards to suit specific user needs.

Tailored to your specific needs

Each actor in the cash supply chain has different roles and objectives. Each cash supply chain is different. Cash supply chains change over time, to cope with changing market realities and strategies.

c-Quilibrium offers solutions tailored to each end user’s need. For any cash supply chain.
Read more below on how we support different key users in the cash supply chain by clicking on the different images.

Lucas’ perspective. Lucas is a back office manager.

Lucas: “As a backoffice manager, I am responsible for following up the cash management business. This is a particularly change-prone business. Each change has an impact on my bank’s treasure, so we have to deal with a lot of compliance rules imposed by Central Cash Treasury department. Luckily balancing risk control and market supply and demand comes natural to me. For exceptional situations, I also need to decide on the go or no-go of the transport. Especially for wholesale customers’ orders, combined with the branch transports, this is a complex decision.


Lucas loves translating these often abstract challenges towards the impact on cash management operations and finally into the rules and policies to institute. “Now I’m not the nagging kind, but its vital these rules are implemented. I often worry during my hiking holidays, that one of the cash limits would not be respected resulting in a security risk for the branch employees.



c-Quilibrium tailored for Lucas



Lea’s perspective. Lea is a middle office manager.

Lea is employed at the bank head quarters as middle office manager. She is responsible for managing more than 500 ATMs of different types (cash out, recyclers, … ). The bank strives for maximum availability of the ATMs to assure the end customer’s experience and Lea is dedicated to fulfill this goal.


Lea: “This is literally a full time occupation! However, due to the current economic reality and with the bank using a system with variable transport frequency, I am under a lot of pressure to save costs by saving transports (and especially exceptional transports) as well. My main stress factor is being disturbed often. In a network like ours, we naturally have a large variety of incidents, impacting cash but with the root cause out of my power and limited or no information to deal with the matter.



c-Quilibrium tailored for Lea


Arthur and Sophie’s perspective. Arthur is a middle office manager, Sophie is a branch employee.

Sophie: “As a commercial advisor in the branch where I work, my focus is to deliver a good service to our customers. Being able to provide my customers with cash is one of those services we provide. Specifically since cash is considered a commodity, it’s important for our image. Nevertheless, I experience the hassle of having to deal with the logistics, regulatory aspects, foreign currencies, determining appropriate order amounts or let alone send back amounts as complex and a defocus from my commercial targets. I am quite happy I have colleagues like Athur in the back office who are able to deal with this as if I were there customer


Arthur: “A thorough follow-up of the orders placed by Sofie and her colleagues and contacts is an essential part of the service we provide. We make sure the orders are in respect to the bank’s, National Bank’s, CIT’s requirements and from the moment something in the processing and delivering goes wrong, we’ll know. And of course, this will allow us to pro-actively contact people in the front office, like Sofie. Or her colleages.



c-Quilibrium tailored for Arthur and Sophie



Jasper’s perspective. Jasper is a cash business owner.

Jasper: “I have been working at this bank for 12 years. Being considered as an expert in this money-driven business of cash management, I am constantly looking for improvements of our bank’s processes.  Cost reduction remains an important driver but also applying to the SLA’s concerning availability and process control are key to the job. Regularly having to evidence the performance of my department or our investment decisions, I find myself creating custom reports on complex matters.


While he doesn’t have much time to spend with his team due to the high number of meetings he has to attend each day, supporting his team is important for Jasper as he realises that they will implement any improvement found:  “I believe that by providing my teams with the right tools, we will be able to further optimise.”



c-Quilibrium tailored for Jasper



Marc’s perspective. Marc is a CIT business owner.

Marc: “As a CIT, we are often in close cooperation with banks. Although all banks are different, when it comes to cash, each bank has the same cash management challenges. One of the biggest challenges is managing and controlling the cash inventory in my cash centers. The banks often request last-minute transports which cannot be picked up anymore at the National Bank making it difficult to predict if there will be enough cash available without running a security risk.


Recently, a new challenge has knocked on Marc’s door. One of his customers has asked to take on tasks that used to be executed by the bank itself: “Transport planning, ordering at the National Bank… are now in the hands of my company. We are evolving from a transport company to a service company



c-Quilibrium tailored for Marc



+ Lucas - Back Office Manager
Lucas’ perspective. Lucas is a back office manager.

Lucas: “As a backoffice manager, I am responsible for following up the cash management business. This is a particularly change-prone business. Each change has an impact on my bank’s treasure, so we have to deal with a lot of compliance rules imposed by Central Cash Treasury department. Luckily balancing risk control and market supply and demand comes natural to me. For exceptional situations, I also need to decide on the go or no-go of the transport. Especially for wholesale customers’ orders, combined with the branch transports, this is a complex decision.


Lucas loves translating these often abstract challenges towards the impact on cash management operations and finally into the rules and policies to institute. “Now I’m not the nagging kind, but its vital these rules are implemented. I often worry during my hiking holidays, that one of the cash limits would not be respected resulting in a security risk for the branch employees.



c-Quilibrium tailored for Lucas



+ Lea - Middle Office Manager
Lea’s perspective. Lea is a middle office manager.

Lea is employed at the bank head quarters as middle office manager. She is responsible for managing more than 500 ATMs of different types (cash out, recyclers, … ). The bank strives for maximum availability of the ATMs to assure the end customer’s experience and Lea is dedicated to fulfill this goal.


Lea: “This is literally a full time occupation! However, due to the current economic reality and with the bank using a system with variable transport frequency, I am under a lot of pressure to save costs by saving transports (and especially exceptional transports) as well. My main stress factor is being disturbed often. In a network like ours, we naturally have a large variety of incidents, impacting cash but with the root cause out of my power and limited or no information to deal with the matter.



c-Quilibrium tailored for Lea


+ Arthur & Sophie - Working together
Arthur and Sophie’s perspective. Arthur is a middle office manager, Sophie is a branch employee.

Sophie: “As a commercial advisor in the branch where I work, my focus is to deliver a good service to our customers. Being able to provide my customers with cash is one of those services we provide. Specifically since cash is considered a commodity, it’s important for our image. Nevertheless, I experience the hassle of having to deal with the logistics, regulatory aspects, foreign currencies, determining appropriate order amounts or let alone send back amounts as complex and a defocus from my commercial targets. I am quite happy I have colleagues like Athur in the back office who are able to deal with this as if I were there customer


Arthur: “A thorough follow-up of the orders placed by Sofie and her colleagues and contacts is an essential part of the service we provide. We make sure the orders are in respect to the bank’s, National Bank’s, CIT’s requirements and from the moment something in the processing and delivering goes wrong, we’ll know. And of course, this will allow us to pro-actively contact people in the front office, like Sofie. Or her colleages.



c-Quilibrium tailored for Arthur and Sophie



+ Jasper - Cash business owner
Jasper’s perspective. Jasper is a cash business owner.

Jasper: “I have been working at this bank for 12 years. Being considered as an expert in this money-driven business of cash management, I am constantly looking for improvements of our bank’s processes.  Cost reduction remains an important driver but also applying to the SLA’s concerning availability and process control are key to the job. Regularly having to evidence the performance of my department or our investment decisions, I find myself creating custom reports on complex matters.


While he doesn’t have much time to spend with his team due to the high number of meetings he has to attend each day, supporting his team is important for Jasper as he realises that they will implement any improvement found:  “I believe that by providing my teams with the right tools, we will be able to further optimise.”



c-Quilibrium tailored for Jasper



+ Marc - CIT Business Owner
Marc’s perspective. Marc is a CIT business owner.

Marc: “As a CIT, we are often in close cooperation with banks. Although all banks are different, when it comes to cash, each bank has the same cash management challenges. One of the biggest challenges is managing and controlling the cash inventory in my cash centers. The banks often request last-minute transports which cannot be picked up anymore at the National Bank making it difficult to predict if there will be enough cash available without running a security risk.


Recently, a new challenge has knocked on Marc’s door. One of his customers has asked to take on tasks that used to be executed by the bank itself: “Transport planning, ordering at the National Bank… are now in the hands of my company. We are evolving from a transport company to a service company



c-Quilibrium tailored for Marc




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